Leeds to Micklefield Upgrades

The Transpennine Route Upgrade is a major, multi-billion pound programme of improvements. It will bring more frequent, faster, greener trains between York, Leeds and Manchester on a better, cleaner, more reliable railway.

To enable this to happen, we are proposing a number of changes between Leeds and Micklefield.

Works include replacing five level crossings with safer alternatives; raising, reconstructing or removing a number of bridges to enable electrification; and installing some small-scale infrastructure. We are also proposing a number of temporary work compounds to help us carry out these essential improvements.

A Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) is required to deliver these elements of the Transpennine Route Upgrade. This is a piece of legislation approved by the Secretary of State for Transport, granting permission to carry out the work.


Key benefits

Our proposed scheme has a number of crucial benefits:

Supporting economic growth

With more trains and faster journeys, our proposals will better connect the cities across the North. This will support economic growth in the North and deliver real benefits for passengers, communities and freight services along this vital rail artery.

Improved safety

We are responsible for maintaining the railway network, and this includes making it as safe as possible for passengers and the public. Level crossings can pose a serious risk to users and by increasing the line speed and frequency of trains this risk is likely to increase, so we want to create a safer way for people to cross to reduce the risk of any accidents.

Greener travel

We are electrifying the whole route to enable quieter, greener trains to run, reducing our carbon footprint and improving air quality for the communities along our route.


Our Plans

Below is a summary of each element of the proposed works included in our Transport and Works Act Order application. For more information, you can find copies of the documents submitted as part of the Order below.


Kirkgate Viaduct Temporary Compound

To enable faster, more frequent trains to run, we will need to reconstruct the railway viaduct at Kirkgate in Leeds City Centre.

Land directly adjacent to the bridge at Kirkgate has been identified as a suitable site for use as a temporary work compound and construction land while this work takes place in the future.

While the wider Transpennine Route Upgrade project will be making changes to this bridge, only the construction compound and land forms part of the Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO).

Aerial view of Kirkgate Viaduct, facing west.

Penny Pocket Park

To enable upgrades to the line, we need to install some small scale electrification and signalling infrastructure alongside the railway at Penny Pocket Park in Leeds City Centre.

Land alongside the line between Kirkgate Viaduct and Marsh Lane Viaduct, adjacent to Penny Pocket Park, has been identified as a suitable site for installation of this infrastructure.

The new infrastructure will be located next to, or nearby, the railway boundary on both sides of the line.

Aerial view of Penny Pocket Park, facing east.

Marsh Lane Viaduct Temporary Compound

To enable faster, more frequent trains to run, we will need to reconstruct the railway viaduct at Marsh Lane in Leeds.

Land directly adjacent to the bridge at Marsh Lane has been identified as a suitable site for use as a temporary work compound and construction land while this work takes place in the future.

While the wider Transpennine Route Upgrade project will be making changes to this bridge, only the construction compound and land forms part of the Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO).

Aerial view of Marsh Lane Viaduct, facing west.

Neville Hill

We are applying to permanently use land off Newmarket Approach to provide access to the Neville Hill railway sidings.

Aerial view of the new access to Neville Hill railway sidings, highlighted in orange.

Osmondthorpe Lane

We need the temporary use of land at Osmondthorpe for use as a construction compound in connection with the construction of a replacement bridge at Osmondthorpe Lane.

While the wider Transpennine Route Upgrade project will be making changes to this bridge, only the land forms part of the Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO).

Aerial view of the proposed site at Osmondthorpe Lane, facing west.

Wykebeck Avenue

To enable us to upgrade the tracks and electrify the line east of Leeds, we need temporary use of land for a compound off Wykebeck Avenue.

This compound will enable us to carry out track renewal and overhead line clearance works.

Aerial view of the proposed site at Wykebeck Avenue, facing east.

Austhorpe Lane Bridges

To allow us to install overhead wires, we need to reconstruct the road bridge at Austhorpe Lane and divert a high pressure gas main.

We are proposing to demolish the existing bridges (road, footbridge and gas main pipe bridge) and install a new combined road and footbridge in the location of the existing road bridge. The gas main will be diverted under the railway line via a bored tunnel.

Aerial view of the Austhorpe Lane Bridges, facing west.

Manston Lane

To enable us to upgrade the tracks east of Leeds, we need to set up a temporary construction compound in Manston.

Land adjacent to the line at Manston Lane has been identified as a suitable site for this. This site will be used to facilitate the renewal of the track, store materials and provide welfare facilities for our teams.

Aerial view of the proposed site at Manston Lane, facing east.

Crawshaw Woods Bridge

To allow us to install overhead wires, we are proposing to rebuild Crawshaw Woods Bridge to enable electrification of the railway below.

Crawshaw Woods Bridge is a Grade II listed structure with private vehicular rights and a Public Right of Way running over it. Our proposals will be mindful of the bridge’s listed status.

Aerial view of Crawshaw Woods Bridge, facing west.

Barrowby Lane and Barrowby Foot Level Crossings

We are applying to close Barrowby Lane and Barrowby Foot Level Crossings and divert pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders across the railway via a new ramped bridleway bridge close to the location of the existing Barrowby Lane Level Crossing.

Aerial view of Barrowby Lane Level Crossing and the site of the new bridge, facing west.

Garforth Moor Level Crossing Closure

Garforth Moor Level Crossing is currently closed on safety grounds so is not presently accessible for for public or vehicle use.

We are applying to permanently stop up the Public Right of Way (Garforth 7) across the crossing, and extinguish rights at the level crossing.

The Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) does not cover all of the works associated with the closure of Garforth Moor and no physical works are required as part of the Order.

Network Rail has submitted a planning application to Leeds City Council to formalise vehicle access from Barwick Road, via a farm track, to the allotments and provide a car park. This planning application is pending determination and the associated works do not form part of the Order.

Aerial view of Garforth Moor Level Crossing, facing west.

Brady Farm Bridge

To allow us to install overhead wires, we are proposing to demolish this bridge.

Aerial view of Brady Farm Bridge, facing east.

A656 Ridge Road Bridge

To allow us to install overhead wires, we are proposing to reconstruct this bridge.

Ridge Road Bridge is a Grade II listed structure which carries the A656 public highway, as well as a footpath. There is also a high pressure gas main that runs via a pipe bridge next to the road bridge.

We are proposing to demolish and reconstruct the bridge. The gas main will be diverted via a micro-tunnel under the railway.

Aerial view of the Ridge Road Bridges, facing east.

Phoenix Avenue Temporary Compound

We are proposing to use land at Phoenix Avenue, Micklefield, as a temporary works compound to support a range of Transpennine Route Upgrade works.

The location of the compound has been chosen due to its proximity to an existing access point on land to the south of the railway.

It will be used to facilitate the Transpennine Route Upgrade track renewal programme and will include materials storage, parking and welfare facilities.

Aerial view of the proposed Phoenix Avenue Compound location, facing east.

Micklefield Track Sectioning Cabin

To enable the electrification of the railway line, we need to construct a Track Sectioning Cabin, or TSC. This will safely regulate the power supply to the overhead electric wires in the local area.

The Micklefield TSC will be located 50 metres to the west of the existing Peckfield Level Crossing.

Aerial view of the proposed Micklefield TSC location, facing west.

Peckfield Level Crossing

We are proposing to close Peckfield Level Crossing and divert the Public Right of Way across the railway via one of two options.

One option would see a footpath provided on the north side of the railway, connecting the Railway Cottages to Great North Road.

The other option would see the creation of a bridleway on the north side of the railway, running through the southern end of the recreation ground.

Aerial view of Peckfield Level Crossing, facing west.

Highroyds Wood Level Crossing Closure

Highroyds Wood Level Crossing is currently closed on safety grounds, so is not presently accessible for public use.

We are applying to permanently close the level crossing and extinguish the Public Right of Way (Micklefield 7) across it. A diversionary route will be created to provide an alternative route under the railway.

The Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) does not cover all of the works associated with the closure of Highroyds Wood and no physical works are required as part of the Order. Closure of this level crossing as part of the Order is being pursued in parallel with an existing section 119A Highways Act 1980 application with Leeds City Council.

Aerial view of Highroyds Wood Level Crossing, facing east.

Our engagement

We carried out two public consultations to share the proposals with the local community and hear their feedback on our plans.

The first consultation took place between Monday 24 October and Friday 18 November 2022 and we used an online virtual consultation room and a series of face-to-face events to promote the Scheme proposals.

We also carried out a second public consultation between 13 March and 11 April 2023 on the additional proposals to permanently close Garforth Moor and Highroyds Woods Level Crossings. Both of these crossings have already been closed on safety grounds, but we are proposing to apply to permanently remove them and divert or extinguish the Public Rights of Way across them.

Following this consultation process, we have considered all the feedback received in order to develop detailed designs and apply for permission to build the Scheme, using the Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO).

Next steps

The Network Rail (Leeds to Micklefield Enhancements) Transport and Works Act Order

On 17 July 2023, Network Rail submitted its Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) application to the Secretary of State for Transport for the Leeds to Micklefield scheme.

The Leeds to Micklefield Order will include a range of powers including the acquisition of all necessary land and rights, the temporary use of land; the authorisation of works and deemed planning permission, the diversion or stopping up of public rights of way, environmental consents, closure of the level crossings and powers to alter public highways and to undertake street works.

Listed Building Consent applications are to be submitted to consent works to listed bridges. The applications do not form part of the Order but will be submitted and determined concurrently.

To view the TWAO application and all the plans and documents submitted with them please refer to our application documents below.

Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) application

View the Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) application


Listed Building Consents

View the Listed Building Consents


Contact us

If you have any questions or require more information about the Scheme, you can email us at TranspennineEngagement@networkrail.co.uk

You can also visit our contact us page or call our 24-hour National Helpline on 03457 11 41 41. Please quote “Leeds to Micklefield TWAO” to be directed to the correct team.